Apologies for long gap but I've been somewhat busy lately.
However, off we go.
Over last few weeks I have been experimenting with brushing and combing wool without having the proper tools to do it.
Here are the 2 methods that seem to wook best for me.
1, Cat slicker brushes.
These are too small to be used the same way as full sized carding brushes but I found a workaround.
Using wool that has been fairly well washed, place one end of the lock between the two brushes. Holding brushes stead, pull wool out. Repeat. Then turn the lock around in your hand and do the other side. |
Here's the result. |
You can lay the brushed locks together and either roll into a rolag or stretch out into a kind of roving. (The rovings on the right are not produced by this method. See the next method.) |
2, Two cheap plastic hair combs from Wilkinson.
Use the combs exactly as you would proper wool combs. (You'll find videos on you tube.) Do small amounts at a time, eg 2 locks. When you have combed through at least twice, grab the end of the tuft on the comb and tug out gently (remember they are just plastic) and draft the combed wool out as far as you can. Lay the drafted strips together. When you have several of these, pick them up and smooth them wide strip of wool between your hands and then draft it out gently into something resembling roving. See the following pistures that show 3 rovings made this way. I find this methed quicker and easier than 1. |
Oh btw, I am now attempting to make a spinning wheel....... out of lolly sticks :D:D
Trying hashtags. Not had much success with them but here goes. #spinning #spindle #wool #spin
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